Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Keeping our Knees Bent


Today’s word…… FLExiBiliTy.  It is about adapting or changing as circumstances require. I have discovered that some people are better at this than other people.  Sometimes I am better at this than others.  Recently, my re-engagement in the practice of yoga reminded me how it hurts to be inflexible.  When I am rigid and unbendable, I seem to get hurt and broken the most - in body, mind or spirit. It is better to go with the flow and be flexible.

“If you don’t know what you want, you’ll seldom get it. But, no matter how well you plan, you will fare better if you expect the unexpected. The unexpected, by nature, comes unseen, unthought, unenvisioned. All you can do is plan to go unplanned, prepare to be unprepared, make going with the flow part of your agenda, for the most successful among us envision, plan, and prepare, but cast all aside as needed, while those who are unable to go with the flow often suffer, if they survive.”

Many cannot “go with the flow.” It seems too unpredictable. Some prefer a bad known, then the possibility of a better unknown. Many of us hate change. Like the old Hershey Bar commercial….”Change is bad…..Hershey bar the same for a zillion years….”  Change is not bad, it is essential to humankind and the whole earth. The nature of life is to evolve. Seasons come and go. Children grow up and out. Jobs come and then we retire. Technology zips in and out at warp speed. Favorite shows, baseball games, springtime romances and people end. If we are not flexible we get run over and mowed down, or at the least, left behind. Flexibility helps us, as the old song goes, “to roll with the changes.”
When I was a little league baseball outfielder, one of the most helpful things I learned for the sport and life was to keep my knees bent. This allowed me to move in whatever direction the action taking place in.

"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken." Geri Laeder and many others (Thanks Jeff)

In general, when I look in the rear view mirror of life, I realize that most of the good things in my life are the results of change and a willing and flexible spirit.  Life is not stagnant. It keeps moving on with or without us. I do know – through faith – that I am not alone in the changes. I trust there is a way the changes will fit together for good (whether I see it now or not.)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,   plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I have moved many times, have had a couple career changes, and had a number of hairstyles. Not all of it has been easy, but I have grown and learned a lot. The biggest change in my life occurred a few years ago when I got married. This change brought love, peace, joy, and comfort into my life. As a result, a new me was born—a wife and happy woman.

Today I sit on the verge of big and small change, and am contemplating my abilities to bend and move with it all.  I am both excited and terrified, and trying to lean into it.  From past experience of change, I know that flexibility and movement are good and important. Breathing in the spirit of life, holds back fear.
I am trying to keep my knees bent in all manners of speaking…..

-          to be able to move quickly in whatever direction God wants me to move

-          to get down on them to pray in whatever circumstances I find myself

-          to not cut off my air flow and faint (ask any groom who locked his knees!)

-          to keep the options open
Things that help my flexibility –
Praying                                                  Breathing deeply                                                Observing creation
Laughing,                                              Hugging or loving someone                             Dancing

Petting a soft cuddly animal            Drawing or rather, coloring                             Gardening

“Men are born soft and supple; dead they are stiff and hard... Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible
 is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life.”  Tao Te Ching
Be a disciple of life. Keep those knees bent!

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